
Posted by Happy Life Saturday, October 3, 2009

Toothache is pain in the tooth. Toothache caused by various problems in the teeth and jaw, such as dental caries, gingivitis or jaw disease, and many more.

Toothache is a symptom of heart disease, like angina. Toothache can lead to heart disease and stroke, ears (such as inner or external ear infections), and sinuses (air passages of the cheek bones). For example, the pain of angina (inadequate supply of oxygenated blood to the heart muscle because of narrowing of the arteries to the heart) is usually located in the chest or the arm. However, in some patients with angina, a toothache or jaw pain are the only symptoms of their heart problem. Infections and diseases of the ears and sinuses can also cause pain around the teeth and jaws. Therefore, evaluations by both dentists and doctors are sometimes necessary to diagnose medical illnesses causing "toothache".

Causes of toothache?
Common dental causes of toothache include dental cavities, dental abscess, gum disease, irritation of the tooth root, cracked tooth syndrome, temporomandibular disease, impaction, and eruption.

The most common dental causes of toothache are:
  1. Tooth Root Sensitivities - oversensitivity when consuming hot or cold, sweet or sour food and beverages.
  2. Tooth Decay - also known as tooth 'cavities' or tooth 'caries'.
  3. Tooth Abcess - a complication of tooth decay.
  4. Gum Disease - also known as gingivitis and in severe cases periodontal disease.
  5. Jaw Disease - also known as TMJ (Temporo-Mandibular Joint) dysfunction.
  6. A Cracked Tooth.

Tooth Root Sensitivities occur when bacterial toxins get to work and dissolve the bone arount the root of the tooth, the gum and bone recede exposing the root of the tooth causing the sensitivity and toothache. This is then likely to lead to chronic gum disease.

Treatment: Visit your dentist. Flouride gel and sensitivity toothpastes that contain flouride will both help the root to become stronger and in turn reduce the toothache. If the root sensitivity causes the inner pulp to die a root canal procedure or tooth extraction will need to be carried out to stop the toothache.

Tooth Decay occurs when the minerals of the enamel are dissolved by acid created by bacteria in our mouths (a build up of this bacteria is known as plaque). This demineralisation of the enamel forms a hole in the tooth exposing the dentin causing the toothache. If the toothache is severe then the hole has most likely exposed the inner pulp as well.

The obvious prevention for tooth decay is to eat as little sugar as possible because the acid that causes the enamel to decay is created by the bacteria eating the sugar and starch left in our mouths. So brush your teeth preferrably after every meal or snack with flouride toothpaste. Flossing will also help alot. Being thorough with your brushing and flossing will stop any build of plaque forming.

Treatment: Your dentist will in most cases apply a filling to the tooth cavity, large cavities may need a crown. If the cavity damages the inner pulp then a root canal procedure or extraction of the tooth may be necessary to stop the toothache.

Tooth Abcesses occur when a dental cavity has been left untreated. The bacteria has infected the tooth from the inner pulp all the way up to the bone tissue at the end of the root causing severe toothache.

Treatment: Your dentist will have to carry out a root canal procedure where the pulp of the tooth is removed and then filled and sealed with an inert material. If this is unsuccessful then the tooth will have to be removed.

Gum Disease occurs when the soft tissue in our mouths becomes infected due to a build up of plaque or tartar along the gum line. It is highly likely that your toothcahe will be accompanied with bleeding gums if you have gum disease.

Treatment: In mild cases of gum disease your dentist will help you become more informed in order to improve your oral hygeine, they will also remove any build up of plaque. Root planning may need to be done which is the removal of plaque and tartar from the exposed roots. In more severe cases the surface of the inflamed gum tissue will have to be removed which is known as subgingival curettage. Oral antibiotics will also need to be taken alongside these procedures.

Jaw Disease usually occurs when there has been an impact or injury to the head such as whiplash. Bruxism (grinding of the teeth) often leads to TMJ as well as arthritis and having an over-bite. Jaw disease is often characterised by pain in the muscles around the jaw and limitaions in jaw movement.

Treatment: Your dentist will fit a special intraoral splint for you to wear. If your bite needs to be fixed then crowns and orthodontic treatment are likely as well as medication to relieve the toothache.

Cracked Tooth can occur for many reasons such as an injury to the mouth, bruxism, chewing on hard objects or extreme changes in temperature on your teeth (such as eating hot food immediately followed by an iced drink) can all cause a tooth to crack and expose the dentin or inner pulp. The toothache may occur when the crack closes after releasing the pressure of a bite. The toothache gets worse over time if left untreated as the inner pulp can become infected.

If you have visible a crack in your teeth that is not accompanied by toothache then it is known as a 'craze' line and is considered to be part of the natural anatomy of the tooth, they usually occur as we age.

Treatment: Your dentist will evaluate the treatment needed depending on the severity of the crack. This can involve bonding for a small crack or a root canal treatment for a large crack where the inner pulp of the tooth has been damaged. In severe cases the tooth may need to be removed to stop the toothache.

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